Farshad Rezaei, PhD Department of Civil Engineering, Room no. 336 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran Phone: +98 31 33913850 Email: f.rezaei@alumni.iut.ac.ir |
I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Civil Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. I received both my Ph. D. and M. Sc. in Civil Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology in 2017 and 2011, respectively, and my B. Sc. in Civil Engineering from Yazd University in 2008. I was ranked 3rd in Iranian nationwide Ph. D. entrance examination in 2012. Furthermore, I was ranked 5th among undergraduate students in my B. Sc. studies. My Ph. D. dissertation topic was “Optimal conjunctive use of surface and ground water resources: application of hybrid multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithms”, under the supervision of Prof. Hamid R. Safavi and Dr. Maryam Zekri as my advisor. My dissertation won the Best Dissertation Award in Isfahan University of Technology in 2019. I am the creator of two novel single and multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithms, named “Guided Adaptive Search based Particle Swarm Optimizer (GuASPSO)”, presented in a paper published by Springer in 2019, and “fuzzy Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (f-MOPSO) algorithm”, introduced in a paper published by Elsevier in 2017. My main research interests encompass the areas in water resources management including optimal conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources, optimal reservoir operation and groundwater quality vulnerability modelling and assessment. I am also passionate about the topics in computer science and artificial intelligence including optimization, multi-objective optimization, meta-heuristic algorithms, swarm-intelligence techniques, fuzzy systems and artificial neural networks.
1- Rezaei, F., Safavi, H.R., (2019) “Diversity-based versus fitness-based evolutionary population dynamics for grey wolf optimizer”, To Be Submitted.
2- Zamani, N., Rezaei, F., Abedi Koupai, J., (2019) “A DRASTIC-based fuzzy c-means clustering technique for evaluating groundwater vulnerability, case study: Damaneh-Daran aquifer, Iran”, To Be Submitted.
3- Kalantari, M., Safavi, H.R., Bozorg-Haddad, O., Rezaei, F., (2019) “A two-stage conjunctive water use management model to extract an optimal multi-Crop pattern plan using Honey-Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) algorithm”, To Be Submitted.
4- Mirzaee Nokabadi, M., Safavi, H.R., Taheriyoun, M., Rezaei, F., (2019) “Quantity-quality multi-objective optimization for optimal extraction of a nitrate-contaminant aquifer: a Case study”, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Under Review.
5- Rezaei, F., Safavi, H.R., (2019) “f-MOPSO/Div: A Diversity-enhanced fuzzy Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimizer applied to a socio-economic-environmental conjunctive water use management”, Applied Soft Computing, Under Review.
6- Sepahvand, R., Safavi, H.R., Rezaei, F., (2019) “Multi-Objective planning for conjunctive use of surface and ground water resources using genetic programming”, Water Resources Management, 33(6): 2123-2137.
7- Rezaei, F., Safavi, H.R., (2019) “GuASPSO: A new approach to hold a better exploration-exploitation balance in PSO algorithm”, Soft Computing, Published Online, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-019-04240-8.
8- Rezaei, F., Safavi, H.R, Zekri, M., (2017) “A hybrid fuzzy-based multi-objective PSO algorithm for conjunctive water use and optimal multi-crop pattern planning”, Water Resources Management, 31(4): 1139-1155.
9- Rezaei, F., Safavi, H.R., Mirchi, A., Madani, K., (2017) “f-MOPSO: An alternative multi-objective PSO algorithm for conjunctive water use management”, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 14:1-18.
10- Rezaei, F., Ahmadzadeh, M.R., Safavi, H.R., (2017) “SOM-DRASTIC: Using self-organizing map for evaluating groundwater potential to pollution”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(8): 1941–1956.
11- Safavi, H.R., Rezaei, F., (2015), “Conjunctive use of surface and ground water using fuzzy neural network and genetic algorithm”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 39(C2): 365-377.
12- Rezaei, F., Safavi, H.R., Ahmadi, A., (2013), “Groundwater vulnerability assessment using fuzzy logic, a case study in the Zayandehrood aquifers, Iran”, Environmental Management, 51(1): 267-277.